- What will it deal with? 它将写些什么东西呢?
- What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气会怎么样?
- What will it be like the day after tomorrow? 后天的天气会怎样?
- Will it be possible for you to resume negotiating the deal with us now? 现在您能否重新与我们洽谈这笔交易呢?
- What will it cost us if we don't get the equipment? 如果我们不投资,我们要付出的代价是什麽?
- What will it matter if they do not support the plan? 如果他们不支持这个计划又有什么关系呢?
- What will it take for humanity to begin to thaw out and remember?? 人类该采取什么措施才能解冻并忆起?
- How should it deal with a resurgent and more authoritarian Russia? 如何与一个重新崛起更为集权的俄罗斯打交道?
- What will it signify if one, two, or three more are added? 我再多加两三重罪也没什么关系?
- Will I receive any training course? What will it be? 我会接受培训吗?培训的大概情形?
- How does he propose to deal with the peasantry? How long will it take until the peasant question is resolved? 他要打算如何处理农民的地位问题?一直到农民问题解决之前花了多久时间?
- What will be the first step and when will it be taken? 你们将在什么时间并如何开始建造?
- How does it deal with the denotative meaning and connotative meaning? 又是怎么理解引申意和内涵意呢?
- What will it cost us to make some good newspaper advertisements? 在报纸上做好的广告要花多少费用?
- If you throw a stone into the Red Sea, what will it become? 假如你把一块石头扔进红海,它会变得怎么样?
- Abu Dhabi bails out its neighbour. What will it ask in return? 阿布扎比向邻国注资。它会要求回报吗?
- Sheila, I don't even know what will it be ,from now on. 我不知道,你能理解我这样一篇语无伦次的文章么,算不了情书的内容么?
- It deal with the peccancy information according to the picture from the Electronic Police Sysetem. 它根据电子警察系统传来的违章图片信息,来处理违章信息。
- It deals with macro-modulation in the socialist economy. 它论及的是社会主义市场经济的宏观调控。
- A: It deals with macro-modulation in the socialist market economy. 应:是关于社会主义市场经济的宏观调控的。